Dallin Burgener
Joined: Apr 9, 2012
Dallin was born in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, but only spent a few early years there before his family relocated to eastern Idaho. He’s been there ever since, minus a two-year sojourn overseas, living in Slovakia. No matter how many miles he’s been from the Metrodome or Target Field, he’s been an avid follower of Twins baseball through thick and thin. Whether through MLB.tv or daily perusal of Twins topics on sites such as Puckett’s Pond, he keeps as connected to his team as he can.Dallin is currently a senior in the Construction Management program at Brigham Young University-Idaho, and one day hopes to become a licensed architect. In fact, at his desk drawing houses or designing ballparks is the place you most likely find him as he tunes into Twins games. He lives with his lovely wife in Rexburg, Idaho, 80 miles south of Yellowstone National Park, which he enjoys frequenting.