RBI Baseball Returns In 2015

In case you found yourself to be one of those shelling out $20 for the console version a season ago, or maybe the more budget friendly mobile version, RBI Baseball is returning for the 2015 season. The game produced by Major League Baseball is coming back for a second time through the lineup. This time around Major League Baseball should be commended for launching what appears to be a full game.

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A season ago, RBI Baseball was brought back after being on a hiatus since the retro gaming days. With only MLB The Show on the market for baseball fans, a second option seemed plausible. Unfortunately RBI Baseball was nothing more than a very weak attempt at replicating the game. On both consoles and mobile devices, the game was virtually the same. Stat tracking was non-existent, and game modes were so lacking that things immediately got stale.

This season, RBI Baseball 15 looks to be putting more thought into the experience as a whole. Recently announced was this years version of the game, and the new improvements look to be much-needed.

In this season’s game, fans can expect:

  • Authentic Ballparks
  • Complete 25 man rosters
  • Stat tracking
  • Online gameplay

While RBI Baseball 15 is still not going to be a gaming experience designed to blow you away, it does appear to finally suffice to the arcade crowd. With stat tracking and full realistic rosters, the game should do just enough to keep you interested. While it won’t harness the same level of realism that Sony’s MLB The Show 15 will exploit, RBI Baseball should be a solid hop in and play title.

After launching at $20 on consoles last season and providing next to nothing, it will be interesting to see where Major League Baseball prices the title this time around. Again mentioned in the announcement is that the title will be coming this spring for PC, Mac, and Consoles. No release date has been confirmed, but the first trailer has been unveiled. Check it out below.

Next: Out Of The Park Baseball 16 Looks Like A Home Run

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