It seemed like Tuesday night at Target Field was going to end like so many other Minnesota Twins games we’ve watched recently. Despite a decent outing by starter Pablo Lopez, the Twins needed to mount a comeback to have any hope of beating the visiting Milwaukee Brewers.
Boy did they ever do that.
Trailing 5-3 in the bottom of the ninth, the Twins’ dormant offense roared back to life with a four-run inning capped off by a 2-run Carlos Correa walk-off home run.
It marked the first career walk-off for Correa since joining the Twins and put an exclaimation point on an evening that took a hard left turn when it appeared fans were in store for yet another lackidasical letdown.
Needless to say, the epic ninth inning was not only a joy to experience watching at Target Field or on television at home, but a riot to listen to on the Twins Radio Network.
Listen to Twins radio call of Carlos Correa’s walk-off HR against Brewers
There’s so much to love about this moment, from it being Correa’s first ever walk-off as a member of the Twins to Cory Provus absolutely losing his mind as the ball sails over the fence.
Just listen and enjoy:
We said the Twins would have to rally... and that they did! A 4 run 9th, capped by Carlos Correa's 1st walk-off as a Twin, and his 1st MLB walk-off homer. #twinsradio call here... 7-5 the final, the 25th time @Twins have walked off the Brewers... WOW!
— TwinsRadio (@TwinsRadio) June 14, 2023
Perhaps the best thing about the moment is that the Twins offense finally came to life — or has shown sustained life. One of the biggest things holding the team back this year has been how the offense has been failing otherwise outstanding starting pitching, something that was highlighted with great furstration over the recent five game losing streak.
Since the, the Twins bats have come to life in ways that are beginning to feel less like a tease and more like a sign of things to come.
It was one thing to watch the Twins struggle to score runs across multiple games only to go gangbusters in standalone performances. Over the last three games the Twins have scored 22 runs, which comes after a stretch where they scored 10 runs in seven games.
Hopefully this is a sign that the sleeping giant we’ve seen glimpses of is finally awake. A Twins teams with this sort of pitching and the kind of offense we’ve seen lately is a dangerous one.