Minnesota Twins Pitchers of the 2010s
Starting Pitcher: Kyle Gibson (2013-2019)
This was a tough decision to make, and I was very close to putting Jose Berrios here instead of Kyle Gibson, but Berrios didn’t separate himself from Gibson until this year, and for that reason, it doesn’t count for me.
In the past 11 years, there hasn’t been one stand out pitcher for the Twins. Gibson was very solid, posting a 4.52 ERA over 7 years, a slightly below average ERA+ with a 93 and a WAR of 9.3. It would have been interesting to see what Berrios could have become, but Gibson (just slightly) takes the starting pitcher spot here.
Relief Pitcher: Glen Perkins (2010-2017)
Relief pitchers are always tough to grade due to the fluctuations in playing time and how easily a relief pitcher can lose their job. With that being said, Being able to close for four years and be a top reliever for five years is impressive.
Glen Perkins did that and more as the Minnesota native who locked down the back of the bullpen. On top that 120 saves and a 3.18 ERA is something that a lot of teams look for in a reliable closer, good enough to round out our list. Some of these choices were easier than the other, and if you feel that I messed one up, feel free to let me know on twitter at @JKoettersWords.