The Minnesota Twins will continue to bring great joy to expert Nate Palmer’s life but his time at Puckett’s Pond is coming to a close.
The Minnesota Twins have long been one of my favorite sports teams to follow. That was why when I had the opportunity to begin contributing to Puckett’s Pond in the spring of 2017 I came to the site with great excitement.
My excitement surrounding the Twins and even Puckett’s Pond remains but my schedule and family life have brought me to a place where it is time to close this amazing ride of a chapter in my life. I came to Puckett’s Pond hoping to share my opinion to the audience of Puckett’s Pond readers and have some great Twins discussions along the way. Both of which have happened in some truly awesome ways.
It was April 16, 2017, that I made my first post for this site. Since then I have written many more and moved from contributor to Site Co-expert in November 2017. Thank-you for being part of that journey. Thank-you for reading and interacting whether it was here in the comment section, on Twitter, or on Facebook.
For my wife’s sake and the joy I do have from writing about the Twins and baseball I am not going to be finished writing. You will still be able to find me over at FanSided’s baseball site Call To The Pen. It will allow for a slightly different schedule to accommodate my changing personal life as well as allow me to maybe stretch outside of my Twins bubble.
With that said, that means there is an awesome opportunity available for anyone who would like to jump on it. Puckett’s Pond will be looking for a new Site Expert. The site has really grown in great ways in the little more than a year and half that I have been around it. It is primed and ready for the next person to take over!
Thank-you to those who I have had the privilege to write alongside and edit your writing. I will miss being able to read the great things you put together. Thank-you to all of you who have read, agreed, and disagreed with my takes. I hope you will continue to do those same things as I shift sites. Of course, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter as our baseball conversations are the greatest joy I have had in being site expert for Puckett’s Pond.
Again Thank-you so much for being part of my Twins cheering and writing life. Go Twins!