Twins Might Be Uber-Aggressive, But What Does It Matter?


Credit: Don McPeak-USA TODAY Sports

Halloween candy is now on sale and we are now heading straight into the storm of the holiday season. A rage of sales at the local Target and never being able to park remotely close to the front door is just around the corner. Not to mention, Hallmark movies on every channel. Ah, the gloriousness of the final two months of the year.

As the weather outside gets colder, it gets a lot hotter in the kitchen that is the world of baseball because of that darn hot stove in the corner.

It has been reported that the Twins will be ‘uber-aggressive’ on the free agent market, especially when it comes to starting pitching. This is something the Minnesota Twins definitely need to be doing, but what does it matter?

You can be aggressive as you want, but the other party has to be interested as well.

It’s like dating. You may really like this girl, treat her like a princess, really the whole nine yards, but you are not going to get anywhere if she’s not interested. You can’t make her feel something she doesn’t feel. As the 2003 film Bruce Almighty taught us, you can’t affect free will.

So who is going to want to come to Minnesota? Who will want to come to a team that has lost 90-plus games the past three years? Who?

Good players probably won’t. Good players want to win and it appears that isn’t happening for the Twins for another year or two…

Last chance players like Johan Santana are going to be what the Twins are stuck with which isn’t ideal, but it’s reality. The Twins don’t have the winning team or the money, to persuade anybody that’s worth a darn to come to Minneapolis.

Ubaldo Jimenez might listen, but it’s going to take more money than the Twins are usually comfortable giving away.

Aggressiveness is only as good as the product you can give or at least the product you can make them believe in. The second-coming of Billy Mays would be needed for this pitch job.