Winter Wasteland and Real Fake Twitter Handles

The Hot Stove League is barely luke warm,  and winter baseball only gets you so far, so in an effort to give you something entertaining, here are several links to the coolest fake baseball twitter personalities.  And if for some reason you don’t like twitter, try again, because real fake twitter personalities are what makes the world go round.

Fake Bleacher Report –!/veryfakeBR
If you’re already reading the Bleacher Report (, then you’ll like the baseball related, poorly punctuated, grammatically incorrect tweets. *

*If you’re a writing nerd like me, you’ll love this Fake AP Style Book –!/FakeAPStylebook

MLB Jesus –!/MLBJesus
There are a million Jesuses on Twitter.  This is the only one that prophesizes baseball’s biggest games.   Worth a follow all day long.  Even Tweets on Sundays, who needs a day of rest?

MLB Fake Rumors –!/MLBFakeRumors
If there was ever a time to follow Fake MLB Rumors, the long winter offseason is the time.  Plenty of baseball “news” to keep you entertained.

Ron Gardenhire obviously has a special place in the hearts of Fake Twitter Operators.  I would have expected more Joe Mauer Body Part Twitters, but hey, I don’t know anything about Twitter.  All three of these Fake Gardenhires say things that the real Gardy can’t, and they do it with a smile.
Not Ron Gardenhire –!/twinsgardy
 Fake Ron Gardenhire –!/RonGardenhire
 Real Fake Gardy –!/RealFakeGardy

Fake Bill Smith –!/fakebillsmith
Follow Fake Bill Smith if you like guys that just got fired.  I have to imagine Fake Terry Ryan has already been created, I just haven’t found him yet.

Fake Joe Mauer –!/FakeJoeMauer
There is a Fake Joe Mauer, but like the real Joe Mauer, he tends to keep his mouth shut.

Fake Dick Bremer –!/NotDickBremer
Not a real person, not real analysis, but chalk full of hilarity.

Fake Twins Prez =!/FakeTwinsPrez
Dave St. Peter is often active on Twitter giving fans updates and clarifying some details of the rumor mill that is Twitter.  But Fake Twins Prez doesn’t do that, not now, not ever.

Fake Fanatic Jack –!/FakeFanaticJack
If you think that the Minnesota Twins are all bums, you’ll love Fake Fanatic Jack.  Even more outlandish than the real Fanatic Jack, which is hard to do.

Not Buster Olney –!/TrippingOlney
Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wonder what Buster Olney would be like if he had a mountain of cocaine,” then this is what you’ve been waiting for.

Old Ross Hadbourn –!/OldHossRadbourn
If you like old timey base-ball, then you’ll love Old Ross Hadbourn.  This might NOT be a real fake Twitter handle, but until you can prove that Old Ross Hadbourn isn’t tweeting from the grave, I’ll remain skeptical.

For other Fake AL Central Coverage check out these guys:

Hawk Harrelson –!/NotHawk
HE GONE!  And other Hawkisms, dissected, regurgitated, and tweeted.  100 times better than the real Hawk Harrelson.

Fake Ned Yost –!/fakenedyost
Bitter, opinionated, and nonsensical, so pretty much like the real Ned Yost.

If I’ve missed any of your favorite fake baseball personalities please share them in the comments!


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