Minnesota Twins’ Truck Arrives In Fort Myers


Photo from Twins Instagram: http://instagram.com/p/kUsBybh4jW/

It’s happening. Spring Training is finally here, almost. The Minnesota Twins shared on their Instagram account (don’t knock it ‘til you tried it) that their truckload of equipment has made it to sunny Fort Myers, Florida.

I have the same question every year, but I think it’s a valid one: the University of Minnesota bought the football team a Kenworth. The team went on the road six times last year. Does that constitute an eighteen-wheeler? Couldn’t that be placed into a training facility for Richard Pitino so he doesn’t leave?! Is that what my tuition went to? Anyway…

The Maroon and Gold truck represents the beginning of spring and that soon we’ll also have flowers and sunshine like Florida. It’s a new day and a new season.

Wait. If the Gophers bought a truck, wouldn’t they have also purchased a trailer? Why did the Twins have to rent one from Allied? Is Jerry Kill’s office in a trailer? So Many questions…

Speaking of questions, Magic Johnson, yes that Magic Johnson, was apparently at Twins headquarters in Florida today.

The Twins social media team has provided me with a lot of questions today. It’s kind of nice that it’s the social media team instead of the on-field product for a change.